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World of Warcraft: Grimoire of the Shadowlands and Beyond

Język AngielskiAngielski
Książka Twarda
Książka World of Warcraft: Grimoire of the Shadowlands and Beyond Sean Copeland
Kod Libristo: 33502627
Wydawnictwo Titan Books, sierpień 2021
What lies beyond the veil of death?Journey past this mortal coil and discover the secrets of the Sha... Cały opis
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What lies beyond the veil of death?Journey past this mortal coil and discover the secrets of the Shadowlands. Study the practices around death and dying on Azeroth, then follow a Broker through the groves of Ardenweald, over the gleaming towers of Bastion, and into the depths of the Maw for a detailed voyage unlike any other. Featuring gorgeous artwork never before glimpsed by mortal eyes, a stunning fold-out map, and secrets straight from the game team, Grimoire of the Shadowlands and Beyond is made to be treasured for eternity.In his authorial debut, Blizzard Entertainment historian Sean Copeland teams up with World of Warcraft's Lead Narrative Designer, Steve Danuser, to open the vaults of hidden knowledge for all curious souls.

Informacje o książce

Pełna nazwa World of Warcraft: Grimoire of the Shadowlands and Beyond
Język Angielski
Oprawa Książka - Twarda
Data wydania 2021
Liczba stron 208
EAN 9781789097559
ISBN 178909755X
Kod Libristo 33502627
Wydawnictwo Titan Books
Waga 930
Wymiary 263 x 202 x 24
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