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World of Warcraft: Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects

Język AngielskiAngielski
Książka Miękka
Książka World of Warcraft: Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects Christie Golden
Kod Libristo: 01263069
Wydawnictwo Simon & Schuster, grudzień 2012
When Azeroth was young, the noble titans appointed the five great dragonflights to safeguard the bud... Cały opis
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When Azeroth was young, the noble titans appointed the five great dragonflights to safeguard the budding world. Each of the flights' leaders was imbued with a portion of the titans' vast cosmic powers. Together, these majestic Dragon Aspects committed themselves to thwarting any force that threatened the safety of Azeroth. More than 10,000 years ago, a betrayal by the maddened black Dragon Aspect, Deathwing, shattered the strength and unity of the dragonflights.

His most recent assault on Azeroth-the Cataclysm-has left the world in turmoil. At the Maelstrom, the center of Azeroth's instability, former Horde warchief Thrall and other accomplished shaman struggle to keep the world from tearing apart in the wake of Deathwing's attack. Yet a battle also rages within Thrall regarding his new life in the shamanic Earthen Ring, hampering his normally unparalleled abilities. Of even greater concern is a bleak and terrifying possible future glimpsed by the mysterious green Dragon Aspect, Ysera: the Hour of Twilight.

Before this apocalyptic vision comes to pass, Thrall must purge his own doubts in order to discover his purpose in the world and aid Azeroth's dragonflights as they face the Twilight of the Aspects.

Informacje o książce

Pełna nazwa World of Warcraft: Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects
Język Angielski
Oprawa Książka - Miękka
Data wydania 2012
Liczba stron 432
EAN 9781439196632
ISBN 143919663X
Kod Libristo 01263069
Wydawnictwo Simon & Schuster
Waga 222
Wymiary 92 x 147 x 30


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