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World of Warcraft: Stormrage

Język AngielskiAngielski
Książka Miękka
Książka World of Warcraft: Stormrage Richard A. Knaak
Kod Libristo: 01250894
Wydawnictwo Simon & Schuster, listopad 2010
Many centuries have passed since the young night elf Malfurion Stormrage became the principal hero i... Cały opis
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Many centuries have passed since the young night elf Malfurion Stormrage became the principal hero in War of the Ancients.

Having saved both his people and the world of Azeroth from the demons of the Burning Legion, Malfurion sought to start life anew with his beloved Tyrande Whisperwind, high priestess of the moon goddess. But then the nightmares began-nightmares that spread across the world-and they seemed to originate in one of the most sacred places known to the druids. Unable to decipher the cause of these nightmares, the great archdruid dared to cast his astral form into the befouled, mystical realm...and then became lost.

Now, with his physical body lying comatose, a search commences to discover Stormrage's fate and, if possible, initiate his rescue. But the threat that has taken the archdruid is more powerful than ever...

Informacje o książce

Pełna nazwa World of Warcraft: Stormrage
Język Angielski
Oprawa Książka - Miękka
Data wydania 2010
Liczba stron 464
EAN 9781439189467
ISBN 1439189463
Kod Libristo 01250894
Wydawnictwo Simon & Schuster
Waga 220
Wymiary 107 x 173 x 26
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