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World of Warcraft: Wolfheart

Język AngielskiAngielski
Książka Miękka
Książka World of Warcraft: Wolfheart Richard A. Knaak
Kod Libristo: 01263198
Wydawnictwo Simon & Schuster, grudzień 2012
In the wake of the Cataclysm, conflict has engulfed every corner of Azeroth. Hungering for more reso... Cały opis
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In the wake of the Cataclysm, conflict has engulfed every corner of Azeroth. Hungering for more resources amid the turmoil, the Horde has pressed into Ashenvale to feed its burgeoning war machine. Unaware of the disaster brewing in Ashenvale, the night elves' legendary leaders High Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind and Archdruid Malfurion Stormrage conduct a summit near Darnassus in order to vote the proud worgen of Gilneas into the Alliance.

However, resentment of Gilneas and its ruler, Genn Greymane, runs deep in Stormwind's King Varian Wrynn. When a murdered Highborne is discovered on the outskirts of Darnassus, Malfurion and Tyrande move to stop further bloodshed and unrest by appointing one of the night elves' most cunning and skilled agents to find the killer: the renowned warden Maiev Shadowsong.

Yet with all that is transpiring in Darnassus, the Alliance might be powerless to stop the relentless new warchief Garrosh from seizing the whole of Ashenvale.

Informacje o książce

Pełna nazwa World of Warcraft: Wolfheart
Język Angielski
Oprawa Książka - Miękka
Data wydania 2012
Liczba stron 464
EAN 9781451605761
ISBN 1451605765
Kod Libristo 01263198
Wydawnictwo Simon & Schuster
Waga 264
Wymiary 113 x 173 x 24
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